PunkSpring, the groundbreaking Japanese rock festival that started in 2006, is orchestrated by Creativeman Productions. Its mission was to bridge the gap between international artists and Japanese punk music lovers. With multi-days of electrifying performances from foreign artists, mainly American and British bands, their dream became a reality - allowing Japanese youth to experience live concerts from the very musicians they once only listened to through speakers.
The 2023 PunkSpring Festival will take place from March 25th to 26th in 2023, and it's sure to be an exhilarating two-day concert. On the first day of celebration, attend Tokyo's Makuhari Messe for a memorable experience and then head over to Osaka on the second day for Intex Osaka festivities.
Since its premiere, PunkSpring Festival has been at the forefront of hosting some of punk rock's most esteemed Western bands. This spring, you can catch renowned acts such as SUM 41, Simple Plan, 04 Limited Sazabys, and Bad Religion - plus many more! With an incredible lineup in store for festival-goers this year, Punk Spring is undoubtedly THE event to attend.