Samurai Sonic, a unique event combining the concepts of "Sound" and "Kodo," debuted in 2021 at Tachikawa Stage Garden in Tokyo. Kodo is an expression for those distinct beats generated by every person's inner source of power – their soul. No matter what world someone lives in, it's essential to listen to their own heartbeats. They contain important messages urging one person to be strong and persevere.
Lights, sounds, stages, scents, and images form a bold new production that engages all five senses. This culture transcends the boundaries of artists by providing them with generous support systems. A movement is created in this process as regions, companies, and society join forces to grow together and expand further than ever before - bringing live music performances in Japan to life!
Samurai Sonic Vol. 5 is here to bring joyous music experiences for all genres of artists, from young talents to veteran performers. They aim to give their audiences a chance to immerse themselves in a mesmerizing musical journey that resonates with samurai spirit and energy - not just throughout Japan but across the globe! With entertainment at its core, this vibrant stage may be your next ticket into an unforgettable music experience.