The Krankenschwester Rock(t) Festival is a renowned musical event held yearly in Haaren, close to Bad Wilsnack. This grand celebration was initiated on 7th May 2005 by two individuals who had just completed their nursing apprenticeship. Since then, it has been an endeavor that involves significant commitment from many volunteers.
Every year around Ascension Day weekend, the Krankenschwester Rock(t) takes place. It provides attendees with a selection of high-quality music acts from the region and unique sounds from all over the world. The previous incredible lineup included performers like Die Toten Crackhuren im Trunk, Ragnaroek, Rotz und Wasser, Die Wallerts, and In My Days, to name a few.
It is time to get rocking for an unforgettable day of music and entertainment at the Krankenschwester Rock(t) Festival! This one-day event will treat you to a mix of rock, rap, polka, and many more genres. So take this incredible opportunity - enjoy every ounce of fun the festival has in store for you!