The Bergsträsser Jazz Festival is a joint production of Stadtkultur Bensheim, GGEW AG, Sparkasse Bensheim, and the Bergstrasse indicator. The series is under the artistic direction of Bruno Weis - founder and boss of the Original Blumenweg-Jazzer.
The Bergsträsser Jazz Festival is a revered name due to the collaborative efforts of Stadtkultur Bensheim, GGEW AG, Sparkasse Bensheim, and The Bergstrasse indicator. Under the direction of Bruno Weis - creator and leader of Original Blumenweg-Jazzer, this series continues to draw in jazz fans from around the world. With its success over time, it has become increasingly more recognized and well-known.
In 2007, the leading daily newspaper in the Bergstrasse district, the Bergstrasser Anzeiger (BA), celebrated its 175th anniversary by organizing and hosting its first-ever Jazz Festival. This series of events was a huge success right away - it toured across every corner of BA's reception area and put on an unforgettable show for all readers.
The next year, in 2008, the Bergsträsser Jazz Festival gained a professional footing with not only the city of Bensheim and the Bergsträßer Anzeiger newspaper as partners but also GGEW AG energy supplier and Sparkasse Bensheim. By joining forces with these companies and their existing supporters, they have shown that "Strong together for the region" is possible!