In 2023, StereoLeto - Russia's premier international music festival - is celebrating its twentieth anniversary! What started as a small-scale event for just several hundred people has turned into an incredible European-level affair that contributes to the cultural landscape of Saint Petersburg. Not only does it boast tremendous longevity at two decades strong, but it also always delivers annual celebrations and ensuring every year brings something new and exciting to experience.
For years, the main target of this festival has been to spotlight up-and-coming musicians. Every year brings in an exciting new lineup that always brings surprises and introduces fresh talent. This anniversary event will be marvelous; you won't miss out on all its remarkable discoveries!
Along with its remarkable music selection, StereoLeto also features art pieces from renowned contemporary designers, the stereofood area serving up tantalizing culinary experiences, the stereomarket showcasing top-notch local products and brands, as well as a wide array of entertaining activities for both children and adults.