Rebel Fest is a renowned hardcore musical event held in Burgos, Spain, since 2016. This festival attracts blissful crowds that revel in the power of hard-hitting sounds. The sixth edition of Rebel Fest will occur on Saturday, March 25th, 2023, at Andén 56 Room (formerly known as Hangar) in Burgos. This year marks an exciting return to a beloved location for this festival!
The upcoming Rebel Fest promises an electric selection of punk rock from several talented acts, featuring performances by Drug addict Segismundo, Rotten XIII, Arpaviejas, KOP, and Gomad! & Monster and Against You. Get ready to experience a night filled with unparalleled energy and adrenaline-filled music!
This festival's previous editions have been wildly successful, so Rebel Fest 2023 surely will be bigger and better than ever! See what this festival has in store and make your way over for an unforgettable experience.