The Resurrection Fest, or "Resu," is a renowned music event held annually in Vivero, Spain. Since 2006, this festival has drawn crowds of metalheads and punk rockers to Lugo during July or August each year, with its musical lineup focused on these genres.
Since its launch, the festival has quickly established itself as one of Spain's most important festivals in its genre due to its focus on extreme music.
Throughout its history, the Resurrection Fest has showcased some of the biggest and best names in music, including Iron Maiden, Korn, Motorhead, The Offspring, In Flames, Black Label Society, Megadeth, Slayer, NOFX, Lamb Of God, Volbeat, and many more. With this amazing lineup of musical talent from all around the world showcasing their work for years to come - 380 bands and groups in total - how can you say no?