1000人Rock Fes Gunma is an extraordinary mass band performance that originated in 2015 from Italy's "ROCKIN' 1000." In 2017, Shibukawa City proudly welcomed this grand event as a tribute to the 50th anniversary of the local Shibukawa Junior Chamber. Since its launch four years ago, it has become a yearly celebration among locals and visitors.
About 1,000 participants will be recruited as band members, and all of them will play the same song at the same time. The capacity is set for each part of vocals, electric guitar, electric bass, and drums for participants.
1000人Rock Fes Gunma will bring together an incredible 1,000 participants to create a one-of-a-kind musical experience! Every member will join forces in playing the same song at precisely the same time. The festival is recruiting vocalists, electric guitarists, electric bass players, and drummers for the event.
Last year, 1000 people ROCK rocked out to the tunes of BOØWY and THE BLUE HEARTS. But this time, hide with Spread Beaver's ""ROCKET DIVE"" is taking center stage! Participants must practice it thoroughly in preparation for the event day.