In 2016, the Bel Air Adventure commenced with the collaboration of three friends. With their yearning to reinvigorate the Haute-Garonne countryside and fondness for electronic music, they achieved an extraordinary dream: a weekend getaway where one could mix music, live performances, alluring local goods, and ecological consciousness. For six joyful events in July each year, the small village of Saint Araille quietly echoes melodious tunes and fervor from its Haut-Garonne hillsides.
Since 2020, the Bel Air Association has been actively engaged in event production and artist management activities that promote creative practice workshops for youth interested in electronic music. The organization strives to provide a platform for mediation between artists and audiences alike.
Get ready for the seventh installment of the Bel Air Festival, which will be held on July 7–9, 2023! The event promises nothing short of an enjoyable time with good air, great company, and incredible music. Gather together with fellow festivalgoers at the same place at the same time to experience the eclectic electronic program that will have you grooving all night long across two stages: Tournesol and Pyrénées. Happiness awaits—come join the celebration this summer!
The Bel Air Festival offers more than just a nonstop line-up of musical acts for three days. Attendees can explore the festival grounds and discover an array of exciting activities, experiences, and sights! Locate delectable food trucks featuring local dishes to tantalize your taste buds with unique flavors—vegan and vegetarian options included!