Every July, the beloved Down By The Laituri rock music festival takes place alongside the Aura River in Turku's city center. As Finland's most significant and longest-running event to be held downtown, DBTL is a much anticipated annual celebration of excellent live music performances!
Last summer, Down By The Laituri created a captivating and wonderful experience that will certainly be remembered. Returning to the summertime festival setting of Tuomiokirkkotor & Brahenpuisto, DBTL festivals promise an even more remarkable event from Thursday to Saturday, 27th - 29th July 2023, in Turku's Cathedral Square!
Down By The Laituri Festival has brought the best of domestic talent to its stages and allowed Turku's finest restaurants to showcase their offerings. Additionally, investments in art have added a unique element that no other festival can matchmake Down By The Laituri, the most rapidly growing Finnish celebration over recent years, whether it be through an increase in audience numbers or through social media presence.