For over ten years, FullMetal Osthessen has had a burning passion for providing entertainment and music for its audiences. Initially taking place in Niederjossa back in 2012, this East Hessian destination has since become an iconic pilgrimage site for true heavy metal lovers alike. The small festival celebrates the diversity of all metal varieties with unbridled enthusiasm!
When Andreas and Markus first began Fullmetal Osthessen, they aimed to create a diverse lineup encompassing everything from hard rock to metalcore. But due to certain "breaks" in the original concept, this blend of genres no longer seemed feasible. So they revamped the event with their new Full Metal Osthessen concept, where they narrowed down the list of bands so that everyone could find music more tailored towards them—and it worked! The attendees absolutely love it because most can now enjoy precisely what kind of music best suits them.