Jurassic Fields is an extraordinary three-day event celebrating local musical talent. Not only will audiences have access to renowned acts from around the country, but also the fantastic food and entertainment the area offers! Whether looking for lively nights filled with wonderful music or days spent in family-friendly activities, this is an occasion like no other!
For seven years, Jurassic Fields has been the pride of south England with over 4000 visitors from nearby locales such as Ireland and Scotland taking holidays to explore this fantastic event. As a result, Bristol and South Coast businesses have seen tremendous success in sales and support from attendees. Not only does this enrich the community, but it also gives an undeniable boost to all companies located within its vicinity!
Jurassic Fields' incredible three-day festival will be held in 2023. Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to experience the best local musical talent, but proceeds from this not-for-profit organization go towards supporting artists in Bridport and West Dorset. It promises to be even better and even Bridport's most prominent music event yet!