The Kraken Metal Rock Fest is a groundbreaking concept that unites various musical genres within the metal and hard-rock realm. The bands performing are widely acclaimed in Belgium as well as across Europe. This festival will present music of its kind enthusiasts cherish, guaranteeing an enjoyable experience for everyone involved and changing the outlook from economic interests to collaborative development - so all can benefit! Join in the fun at this exciting festival and help make it keep coming back year after year with even more extraordinary metal madness!
The 8th annual Kraken Metal Rock Fest is set to take place on May 6th, 2023! The best metal and hard rock bands will descend upon Ittre, Belgium's ZIK-Zak Hall, for a day of intense music. Whether you're enjoying their performances during the afternoon or evening hours - this is an event that any fan of heavy tunes can't miss.
From its beginnings, Kraken Metal Rock Fest has featured an impressive lineup of acts from around the world. Artists such as Absolva, Aktarum, Allience, and Apparition have appeared at this legendary rock festival. Other noteworthy performers include Anwynn, Azylya, Blazing War Machine, Benighted Soul, Bliksem, Cellar Twins, Chainer, Dagoba, Diary of Destruction, and The Difference - to name a few!