Embarking on its fourth year, Metal Hunting Open Air is a French associative Metal festival dedicated to extreme music created by an enthusiastic group seeking concerts. Its mission is to elevate the metal scene with remarkable upcoming artists in favorite genres such as Thrash Metal, Black Metal, Death Metal, and even Stoner Rock while celebrating local culture and expertise.
On May 27th and 28th, 2023, come together for two days of delightful merriment with friends old and new around a shared interest. With camping, barbecues, pogos, beers, and games to partake in - it will be an unforgettable festival full of memorable moments! Join the crowds as they celebrate friendship on a human scale like never before!
Prepare to be blown away by the fourth edition of the breathtaking Extreme Metal festival coming to Hunting, which offers an unparalleled selection of talented artists and enthralling music on an unforgettable stage.