In 1988, a group of friends from a rural town in southwestern Sardinia dared to create their source of fun and entertainment. The bar was not only their main outlet for leisurely activities but also served as an area that united villagers against all odds. During this period, only some cultural events were happening in the small towns, which made it challenging to experience joyous moments together. The concept of an exclusive Blues Festival was thoughtfully crafted to stand out from the multitude of Jazz Festivals that became popular on the island. After comparing musical tastes among founding members, they realized their passion for a specific type of English and American music. Upon researching lyrics and origin stories, it became clear that this unique style had one consistent thread - the blues!
It was 1989 when the inaugural Narcao Blues Festival came to Sardinia, an event dedicated exclusively to "the music of the devil." This occurred only a year after Progetto Evoluzione cultural association had established itself as the organizer of this great festival.
Established in 1988, the Progetto Evoluzione cultural association works to improve the town of Narcao and the lower Sulcis area by providing educational events. The primary focus is on youth since this generation should be given opportunities to enrich their minds through recreation. Through the mission of Progetto Evoluzione, the festival strives to spread awareness and appreciation for Afro/American musical culture (including blues, gospel, R&B, Funky, and Soul), which has profoundly shaped today's youth music scene. The festival recognizes these influences due to their historical relevance and the geographical ties it shares with the organization.
For the past 33 years, Narcao Blues Festival has enraptured audiences with its passion-fueled blues music performances. Located in Sardinia's iconic Piazza Europa, this renowned event showcases established and emerging national and international artists. As a constantly evolving project, Narcao Blues Festival will inspire all who attend!