Psyland Festival is an extraordinary event nestled amidst the picturesque nature of Edessa, Greece, that celebrates psychedelic electronic music while promoting the abilities and capabilities of Greek psychedelic artists. This festival is a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of Greece and its vibrant culture.
Psyland Festival strives to give guests a unique and unforgettable experience with 13 live performances, 16 DJ sets, visual mapping displays, fiery shows in the evening hours, parking areas & camping sites complete with bathrooms and showers alongside shopping stalls as well as massage tents. Last but not most, miniature food & drinks will also be available for your convenience.
Psyland Festival 2023, running from June 30th to July 2nd, will present three days of entertainment. This year's incredible lineup features performances by Atrus, Kala, Petran, Mind Oscillation, Blisargon Demogorgon, Living Frequencies, Nulla Taar, Seraburayka, Chypno, Fear Disorder, Eternity, Zaiklophobia, and even more talented performers. Take advantage of the fun!