The Sukiyaki Meets The World is Japan's longest-running, premiere festival devoted to modern music worldwide since 1991. For three days, the festival is organized by 250 volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure this exciting celebration succeeds in Nanto's picturesque UNESCO World Heritage Site. Every year 10,000 people attend to take part in concerts, workshops, and conferences that make up this spectacularly unique experience!
The Sukiyaki Meets The World festival is a multifaceted event that includes workshops, residency programs for foreign artists in Nanto, and satellite editions hosted by Tokyo, Nagoya, and Okinawa. Furthermore, the Festival provides complete touring services for guest artists so they can make their mark on each of these cities.
2023 marks the 31st year of the Sukiyaki Meets The World! From August 25 to 27, this festival will captivate you with an array of entertainment and exhilaration that'll make every moment count. This exhilarating festival promises three days full of excitement and fun - take advantage of all its festivities!