What started as an unusual concept for a birthday party on May 29, 1999, has become one of the biggest festivals for harder alternative music in southern Hesse. The Traffic Jam Open Air was organized by the Schallkultur e.V. association until 2017 before being taken over by SchallMAGNET e.v., leaving the event to go from strength to strength since then!
At a festival, the atmosphere is usually filled with loud music, dancing, and jubilant energy. But if you want an even more electrifying experience that will make lasting memories, Traffic Jam Open Air 2023 on July 21-22 is your answer! This event promises to provide an unforgettable, high-octane celebration like no other.
Volunteers and sponsors are the primary sources of funding for Traffic Jam Open Air, while new bands typically receive a small fee. The idea is to maintain autonomy from commercial interests as much as possible, thereby keeping entrance fees low. As such, this music festival primarily exists to give rising stars an opportunity in the spotlight. In 2010, it hosted its most extensive lineup ever; then, in 2017, Schallkultur e.V., the organizer, filed for bankruptcy, only to be succeeded by SchallMAGNET e.V. This association managed the successful revival of Traffic Jam Open Air 2019!