Get ready for a weekend filled with music, art, and storytelling at the 5th Annual Winnipeg Crankie Festival! Set to take place March 24th - 26th, 2023, at Crescent Fort Rouge United Church in Winnipeg. This event will bring together individuals from every corner of life. Local performers and artists are invited to collaborate on and off-stage for an unforgettable interactive experience. Immerse yourself in whimsy as you explore the best Winnipeg offers in all its creative forms.
Founded five years ago by Home Routes / Chemin Chez Nous, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting musicians with house concert venues, the Winnipeg Crankie Festival is an extraordinary event that showcases some of Manitoba and beyond's most talented musicians, writers, poets, storytellers, and visual artists. Dynamic cross-media collaborations bring these diverse talents together for this special occasion - all thanks to the humble crankie!
Experience a distinct enchantment as you are transported back to the 18th century with a Crankie – an old-fashioned storytelling art form. A sequence of scrolled art is fixed onto hand-cranked spindles, forming together in a frame. As your ears feast on melodious sounds or captivating tales, its artist will turn the spindles so that each picture moves along according to the story's flow, creating one unforgettable visual encounter for all viewers!